
How to fix: "Unable to Activate Windows Store App. The activation request failed with error..."

Those of you who know me will know that I'm a bit of an Apple fan-boy, so anything running Windows natively has over the years experienced a rather unceremonious departure from my tech collection.

That does make my current pet project of playing around with Windows 8 App Store development slightly tricky, so I've turned to virtualising Windows 8 under VMWare Fusion to get my out of work C# fix. This generally works well, except I seem to regularly run into this error when I first run my app.


I think it may be something to do with the way I regularly suspend and resume (instead of shutting down) my VM in between work stints causing some problems with the built-in development licensing that Microsoft now uses.

I've read online that some people have had success just performing a "Clean" and then "Build" in VS2012, but that doesn't seem to work for me, instead I have to close the solution and delete my project's bin and obj folders.

Hope this helps someone.


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